All About Radio

Unfortunately my e-book "The Beginners Guide To Becoming a Radio Star" is no longer available in its current form.

The radio industry has changed so much in the past few years in terms of social media, methods of program delivery and technically, the book suddenly needs a complete re-write.

When I get time I'll do that.

Meantime, if you would like to enquire about my radio school course or the podcasting course, please use the contact form below and I promise I'll get back to you. This also applies if you have any questions about the radio industry you think I may be able to answer.

If you would like to subscribe to my free monthly emailed newsletter "The Radio Wave" simply send a blank email to with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line.

Ian MacRae
July 2010

Contact Me

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  • Error exception 'array_merge(): Argument #1 must be of type array, null given'
Romber version 0.8.6
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